Thursday, September 1, 2011

dual mod menu (RTD,Zombies, and Aliens vs Mariens.) also requested by Brent

I got rid of text editor since I don't use it. Added Jelly's Aliens vs Marines gametype in it. Again I give credit to Trent, Nity, and Jelly for being the badasses that they are. but you do have to play it in Search and destroy.

neuropathy v.2 for brent

Well some people had problems getting host like when the game start it made everyone else host except you!!!

Well I have successfully fixed the problem

Put your name on this line = "Example";

Where is says "Example thats where your online name goes!!!
If it is not changed It won't work!!!

Original Auto Host Script:

Fixed Auto Host Script:

No colors!!

Reason why there were problems:
When some people they connect it did not make them host because on it script it says
If you are co-Host (Host) you will be unverified but if you are not the co-Host you will be Host

I fixed it so that it makes you host no matter what!!!


Time to F*** up Black Ops

I've been debating on whether or not I should release this but fuck i don't care trent can be ruined he doesn't deserve the $$ he gets for his useless crap.

Basically what this is going to do is bring hell to black ops wii as it infects other people without the need for gecko codes and whatnot. All you do is add the following to your patch and invite people and they will be infected with the following:

> Infinite ammo (the fire button will automatically give more ammo)
> No Clip (Smoke Grenade Button) //lets you fly around the map
> Give Death machine (switch weapons and you should get it)
> God Mode
> Modded Free For All Kill XP (1 kill = 999999 xp)
> Super Jump
> Infinite UAV

Instructions (after getting infected)
> Join a game
> Press the WII_1 button (you should see Nity > Trent pop up on the screen)
> Go to town using your infections as listed above (each button is binded to the corresponding mod)
> ???
> Profit

Please note this does not require the use of gecko codes to enable use

Enjoy at your own risk.

self setClientdvar("activeaction", "bind WII_1 vstr nity;say ^3Nity ^5> ^2Trent");
self setClientdvar("nity", "god;vstr infammo;vstr ncp;vstr demach;vstr nitdvars");
//hacked dvars (jump height/gravity/no cooldown/hacked free )
self setClientdvar("nitdvars", "player_clipSizeMultiplier 999;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_burstFireCooldown 0;scr_dm_score_kill 99999;scr_dm_score_limit 0;scr_game_forceuav 1;jump_height 999;bg_gravity 200;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 998;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999");
//deathmachine (switch weaons)
self setClientdvar("demach", "bind WII_DPAD_LEFT cmd3");
self setClientdvar("cmd3", "take all;give minigun_mp");
//noclp (smoke gernade)
self setClientdvar("ncp", "bind WII_MINUS cmd2");
self setClientdvar("cmd2", "noclip;vstr defsmoke");
self setClientdvar("defsmoke", "+smoke;-smoke");
//infinte ammo
self setClientdvar("infammo", "bind WII_B cmd1");
self setClientdvar("cmd1", "give ammo;+attack;-attack");

I'll host some infection lobbies with my 90% completed mod menu tomorrow some time so stay tuned for that as well